Welcome to my brand new blog! I have started this blog to talk about anxiety attacks, anxiety disorders and other related stuff such as panic attacks, hyperventilation, and so on, particularly any tools, techniques and tips that can help with these conditions. Basically, any kind of ‘stuff’ related to anxiety, hence the blog name.
I am not a medical professional but an ordinary person who has experienced anxiety attacks and learned a lot along the way. I am hoping that sharing what I have learned in this blog may be helpful to you in your own learning journey. Of course, everyone’s experience is individual, so take what is useful to you and ignore what isn’t. To find out more about me, please read my About page.
There are many anxiety-related resources already on the web, so why create another one? Well, there are several reasons for this. I believe that learning the same things in different ways from different people helps to deepen understanding. It can help to consolidate our prior learning, building our conceptual understanding. Sometimes something unclear becomes clearer when someone describes something in a slightly different way using different words. Some of my ideas might be starting points or triggers for your own investigations. Also, the web is now a vast place and it may be that you haven’t yet stumbled across the most useful resources for you. I will be mentioning resources I think are useful, so my blog might be your pathway or connection to these.
Whether my blog is read by one person or one million, if it can help even one person in some small way, I will consider it a success! So welcome, and please subscribe and add your comments!
I am not a medical professional but an ordinary person who has experienced anxiety attacks and learned a lot along the way. I am hoping that sharing what I have learned in this blog may be helpful to you in your own learning journey. Of course, everyone’s experience is individual, so take what is useful to you and ignore what isn’t. To find out more about me, please read my About page.
There are many anxiety-related resources already on the web, so why create another one? Well, there are several reasons for this. I believe that learning the same things in different ways from different people helps to deepen understanding. It can help to consolidate our prior learning, building our conceptual understanding. Sometimes something unclear becomes clearer when someone describes something in a slightly different way using different words. Some of my ideas might be starting points or triggers for your own investigations. Also, the web is now a vast place and it may be that you haven’t yet stumbled across the most useful resources for you. I will be mentioning resources I think are useful, so my blog might be your pathway or connection to these.
Whether my blog is read by one person or one million, if it can help even one person in some small way, I will consider it a success! So welcome, and please subscribe and add your comments!